This show has been retired
Fargo Watch Party

A recap of every episode of the award-winning show.
By JD Ferrell & Stephen Meriwether
Stephen and JD recap every episode of Fargo, the award-winning FX & Hulu series. We react to major events, debate the rules of the "hitman code", and make predictions about the next episodes. Join us as we experience the wild ride that is Fargo.
- 24S2E10 "Kings Don't Need Security"
- 23S2E9 "Lou Saves The Day"
- 22S2E8 "The Difference Between Thinking and Being"
- 21S2E7 "I'm Not a Snitch"
- 20S2E6 "These are Modern Times for a Woman"
- 19We're off another week
- 18We're Back Next Week
- 17S2E5 "I Will Not Shake That Man's Hand"
- 16S2E4 "That's the Problem with a Family Business"
- 15S2E3 - "I am Not a Criminal"
- 14We're taking this week off, we'll be back next week
- 13S2E2 - "Ed Does what Ed Does"
- 12S2E1 - "Wasted Meat Should be a Crime"
- 11Season One Wrap-up
- 10S1E10 - "The Other Mrs. Nygard"
- 9S1E9 - "Lester's Back"
- 8S1E8 - "Are We Calm"
- 7S1E7 - "I'm going to marry that girl someday"
- 6S1E6 - "Kill and be Killed"
- 5S1E5 - "Only a Fool Thinks he can Solve the World's Problem's"
- 4S1E4 - "The Human Eye Can See More Shades of Green Than Any Other Color"
- 3S1E3 - "The Spider Laid Eggs in His Neck"
- 2S1E2 - "Do I need to Come Back there"
- 1S1E1 - "Oh, you are going to kill me, that's funny"